Friday, February 25, 2011

4:40 a.m.

And I thought 5:30 in the morning was early!  Goodness, I need to write and report here more.  So much going on.  I'm now 36 weeks.  Never thought this day would come but I'm getting more and more excited.  Baby Lizzie is due March 23 and my last day at work before maternity leave will be March 18.  Just wanted to say I love my job!  Mark, my boss, has been so kind and incredibly flexible with me.  Love him.  I'm going to go back to work on May 9th part time.  About 10 hours from home and 10 hours at the office or so.

I see such a great future for me and dear Paco.  He's working so hard on his test.  He has another one coming up on Monday.  I'm saying a big prayer for him that it goes well.  Not sure if he'll pass or not but I know he's getting better.  Seems so these days.  He is such a great husband.  We were commenting yesterday on how we very rarely fight.  It's amazing and I know everyone says that that means one person is holding back but we are honestly not.  I mean we have little cranky outbursts here or there but that's all.  Makes me feel like we are solid and really prepared for our baby.  Baby Lizzie is not coming to "fix" us.  We are taking her in with open arms.

Paul's family threw me a baby shower last weekend.  So sweet huh?  I loved it.  All of Paul's husbands' wives came cause they are my friends now too and I really like them all.  We got so much great stuff including diapers.  I think we're really set.  I still need to get a few things here or there but really we are set.  If Baby Lizzie came today, we'd be ready.  Haha.  Well, ready in theory.  I hear you are never really ready for the changes baby brings into your lives.  I would still like a really fancy baby bjorn baby carrier.  I just have a feeling that'll come in pretty handy.  And I need a couple of bottles but that's it. 

I need to pop more pics in this blog.  Sometimes, I get overwhelmed with the idea of nursing the baby.  That's the only part that still stresses me out a tad.  Babywise is my new favorite book.  Paul says he's gonna read it too.  Well, there's just a certain excitement in the air for me right now.  Really happy.  And really grateful to Heavenly Father for the opportunity to still work a bit and take care of baby and to have a baby at all!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

35 Weeks!

So much to report on.  My placenta moved up so it's no longer a placenta previa so I don't need a C-section.  Yay!!!  This happened on Valentine's Day.  Happy day.  We said a prayer of Thanksgiving.  Then, we went to The Roof for dinner and even had dessert.  We've been off of sugar since January as a New Year's Resolution but decided to play hooky on V-Day and on our birthdays.  Afterward, we had fun just snuggling on a couch at the Mezzanine of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.  Sorry the pic is kinda fuzzy.

Today, I am 35 weeks pregnant so our Baby Lizzie is due on March 23.  Seems far away.  About 4 weeks though.  Kind of having a discouraging day today, unfortunately.  Trying to figure out what I want to do once our sweet baby is here.  I wonder if she'll come early??

Here's a pic of me on V-Day.  Paul gave me lovely diamond and sapphire earrings and that cute bow on my head.  He has great taste!  I love him soooo much. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

6:40 a.m.

It's getting better.  Not as early as last time's post.  : )  It's okay.  It's a work day.  I've been up since around 6 this time and have been absolutely famished.  I think the baby gets ticked at me when I don't eat enough the day before and so she wakes me up and says - I hungry.  Cute baby. 

Oh man, so yesterday I went to a breastfeeding class.  Wow.  Information overload.  I mean, some of the things I knew about but some were so confusing.  I'm most worried about right now that Paul is going to feel overwhelmed.  There is so much that goes into having a baby and he hasn't really thought about those details, I don't think.  I started to tear up after the meeting yesterday just thinking about how things are going to get worse before they get better.  Sorry.  I sound like a negative Nellie, huh?  I just have a lot of worries in my brain lately, about work and stuff.  Stressful. : (    I think I'm done writing my negative post for the day.  Going to go read my scriptures now....

Wait, one more thing.  On the way out of the hospital last night I stopped once more to look at the nursery and the CUTEST angel baby was there sleeping.  Sooooo darling. It made it all worth it.  I can't wait to meet you, angel baby.  I love you sooooo much!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

6:25 a.m.

So yeah, it really is 6 a.m. on a Saturday morning and I've been awake for about an hour.  Ugggh.  Can't sleep.  A nurse I met says it's the way I get trained to stay up all night once our Baby Lizzie comes.  So, why the blog?  Well, ideas like this come to your head at 6:30 in the morning but also I've been wanting to officially come out into the blog world for quite a while and I think I finally have a good enough reason now.  I want to record our family's stories and what better way than here, as we hover over the brink of parenthood.  Plus, my cousin Jocelyn says you can later convert your blog into a book, which I would love!!!

Why the name Paul and Nelda?  Well, I have a very good reason for this.  First of all, those are our names but second of all I think it's important for us to keep our identity as a couple no matter how many kids we have (I would love to have 4, btw).  Anyway, I've been doing A TON of reading about raising kids and families and etc and I realize how important it is for us to have a solid foundation as a couple before the kids come.  We do have that and I'd like to continue to have that so no matter what happens, we are a couple, and an eternal couple at that. 

So we've been married about 1 1/2 years now and it's been wonderful!  I couldn't be happier.  I keep seeing how tough my life was just 5 years ago and I can assure you that my 26-year-old-self would have been absolutely astounded at the amount of happiness and joy God has blessed me with in this marriage.  It is like night and day and maybe that's why those things happen, because you appreciate the way things are even more now.  Expect many musings from me at 6:31 a.m.  : )

Fun story, Paul was on a business trip for 2 days and Baby Lizzie (Elisabeth) hadn't really moved around much in my belly for the past few days but last night I know she recognized him and she moved A LOT.  I was thrilled and Paul loved feeling her.  We are convinced that she will be a daddy's girl.  I love it!  We get so many laughs thinking about tall Paul holding our little baby in one hand or swinging her around like a monkey when she is older.  Hahaha. 

On a more serious note, I was telling Paul how my desires and prayers have changed these days.  I went to the temple last night and my main focus/prayer was asking the Lord to help me be everything I can be to our baby, most especially in the gospel.  My greatest desire is to provide a testimony strong enough for her to learn from and to grow her own.  Well, I won't say too much about this on the blog but it is what's in my heart and time certainly is ticking.  As of today Baby Lizzie could be due pretty much anytime in March or, according to all those stories you hear/read anytime at all since I am 33 weeks. 

Well, going to try to go back to bed where my sleepy Paco is dreaming and looking like the angel he is.  I love him so.  Toodles!


so now we're bloggers!