Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The "Bumblebees game" and other Lizzie stories

Morning time when I wake up Lizzie (about 8 a.m.):

"Mom, I'm tired."

"Why are you tired Lizzie"

"From the last day (read: yesterday, she call it the last day, so cute) when we went to the bumblebees game (Salt Lake Bees game)."

Tee hee.

Here are some lovely pics of Moses too at the game.

In other news about Lizzie.  She is great.  Never has had terrible two's or anything.  She is so sweet and helpful to me and helps me put away toys and dishes and is getting so good at violin and she is even seriously helping me potty train Moses.  Oh yeah, I'm doing the three day potty training with Moses this week.  Day 1 and it's not actually so bad.  Only two small accidents.  This morning I had to run and get something in the basement and when I came back, Lizzie had taken Moses to the potty in time for him to pee.  So grateful for my darling girl.  Oh I love her so and need to give her more hugs.  Yes indeedy.

Oh and the funnest news of all - she can bike now without training wheels!   So so proud of my little cupcake!  You go lovely girl.  It only took her 5 minutes with the bike my mom gave her when we went to visit her in Colorado last week.  The balance bike truly works cause it was almost a no brainer.  We just needed the right bike.

Also, she loves her siblings.  She is so good to them.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Grace you are 14 months!!

Lil mutton chop is what I am beginning to call you!  What a big month of growing this has been for you, dear one.  You are really developing in every aspect.  Here is what's new with you.

  • You said "yuck" the other day after I said yuck because your little baby shoes were all muddy
  • Speaking of shoes, you wear shoes now and you seem to like it and they are Lizzie's old shoes and so so cute on you!!  It makes you look like a life size dolly.
  • You are developing a stubborn streak.  More so than I have ever seen with the other ones.  You are the only one who has ever torn of their bib and then stared at me.  
  • You are so cuddly still but not as cuddly as you were last month cause you are growing so fast.
  • You love tickles. 
  • You are just a happy little pumpkin.
  • You are still napping a bit in the morning but probably not for too much longer, right?
Grace, you are so dear to my heart and to your daddy's too.  He loves to hold you and cuddle you and who wouldn't right??  Thank you for being a wonderful person.  I love you sooo much!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Itza boy!!!!!!!!!!!

Man we feel blessed.  What are the chances - two boys, two girls?  We went in for the ultrasound on Monday and I had the feeling it was a boy but couldn't be sure.  My heart was pounding (as it always does) when we saw the little cutie wiggling on the screen and Paul and I held hands and suddenly the tech told us it was a boy and we were thrilled!  Now, for names, wow, who knows?  I really like Joseph and Daniel and I'd love Gabriel as a middle name but part of me wants to pick a really unique name like Moses so that Moses feels like he's part of a cool, unique clubs name.  Make sense?  Guess we have time huh?  Yes and no.  Time flies.  I'm learning that more and more with how quickly Lizzie is growing and learning, how rapidly Moses follows in her footsteps and how soon Grace seems to be talking these days.  She said "more" the other day cause she wanted more blueberries. I couldn't believe my ears.  Anyway, we are so grateful to Heavenly Father for a beautiful baby boy on the way due December 14.