Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Kind of a sad post

It's been an interesting, gorgeous, rough, educational, character-testing summer.  Have I come out of it well?  I'm not sure.  I feel like for the most part I did but last week I really lost it with a relative.  I regret it plenty now.  I don't like being out of character.  I tried to show someone that I'm not a pushover and I felt so icky doing it.  Is that why I get afraid of being mad?  Because I swing either too passive or else too aggressive?  Maybe so.  Or maybe I just am not into the habit of doing it.  Or....maybe I showed a little bit of the Palomeque inside of me (which is fun when it's party time, but awful, gosh-awful when it's mad time).  Anyway, I regret the way I acted.  I've been working this summer on creating a mission statement for my life and it was anti-mission but at the same time it was pro showing that I'm not a pushover.  Justification blah blah blah etc.

Anyway, just feeling a little uneasy, a little off-kilter and thought I'd share.  Funny, I usually am glad this blog is private but today, just today, I wish I could get some perspectives on these feelings above from people I don't know.  You know, some random anonymous person from Fargo and then another from Oveido, Florida who would have some insights into my feelings for the day.

Monday, July 15, 2013

La Caille

So we went to La Caille last week with six of my favorite people for the funnest reason!  Backtrack...About 12 years ago, Paul and John Brunt (pictured here next to Paul) took Bryan and his ex-wife Lisa out to dinner at La Caille as their wedding present.  At that time, they made a deal that the first of them who made a salary over $100,000 would take everyone out to dinner at La Caille.  Well, John just reached that goal in January I believe and he made good on it when he came out to visit last week.  It was so fun to go there and get all dolled up and have a fabulous time!  We just had a good time and good laughs.  I ate the gnocchi.  Yum.  At the end of the dinner, we tried to figure out our next big goal.  It's a bit confusing but all I care about is that I get to spend more time with these fabulous people.  Aaron and Krysti are just good, solid peeps and I think the world of them.  Bryan and Jennifer are pre-engaged and I really like Bryan and I think Jen is just an incredible woman.  I don't actually know John very well but he is very nice, seems like a great husband and father and has a good sense of humor.  So our next goal is something like the first person to get out of debt in 3 years (debt to income ratio) gets taken on a weekend trip by everyone else in the group.  That's where it gets all fuzzy.  I'm not sure what happens exactly but Bryan was writing it all down so we'll figure it out soon, right?

A post about Lizzie

So I'm starting to forget how months she is but I am obsessed with how lovely she is.  Here are some pics to prove it.  I feel so blessed.  I love my children so much!

Moses is 3 months old!

What a cutie eh?  Well sweet Mo Mo just keeps getting sweeter.  He is sleeping better during the day as well (although he did wake up at 5 this morning but finally went back to sleep, eeks! Please don't be a habit!!).  Anyhoo here's what's new.

  • He still can't stay awake very long.  
  • He smiles all the time
  • New hair is growing in
  • He does tummy time longer
I think that's it.  Here are some pics for your viewing pleasure.

Monday, July 8, 2013

The boy is sleeping through the night or what I have learned from baby number 2

Isn't that exciting??  Praise the Lord! Since he turned 12 weeks old, sweet Moses has been sleeping through the night like a champion so almost a whole week now and golly gee is it ever wonderful to get 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep.  Miracle!  How is this done, you ask?  Well I learned a lot with Lizzie but I was so new at it and I've gotten a bit better with Moses but as life goes, I'll forget if I don't put it down here, sooooo, future Nelda this is for you.

What I have learned about sleep and babies from baby #2:

  • None of your babies will probably sleep through the night before about 12 weeks
  • You start to see the silver lining though after the 9 week wall (yep I hit that wall again with Moses but it wasn't as bad this time around because I knew it would get better)
  • The 45 minute intruder?  I'm still working on that but also that is better because of the best piece of advice I can give which is this LET YOUR BABY WORK IT OUT AS MUCH AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN!
  • I guarantee you the more you let your baby work things out on his own (limited crying method) the more he will put himself back to sleep.  It works about 80% of the time with Moses.
  • Dreamfeed, dreamfeed, dreamfeed.  Paul does it for me, bless his heart.
  • Re-read the book The Baby Sleep Solution by Suzy Giordano, best book ever!  Simple, fast, and it works.
  • Moses only lasts an hour awake.  Still not sure what to do about that.
  • Hold him even when he is not crying so he doesn't turn all Pavlovian on you, capiche?
  • Baby whisperer book is good too, but don't let her confuse you too much.  
  • Two months really is when babies can self-soothe
  • Um, I can't remember what else.