Thursday, November 29, 2012

We're having a boy!

Can you believe it??  We are really happy and excited.  I just had a feeling I was going to have a boy.  We said a prayer of Thanksgiving.  It's just a thrill and I have no idea about boys or how to raise them but I can't wait to find out.  I love you baby boy...

Monday, November 26, 2012

Lizzie at 20 months - Multimedia ; )

I'm starting to get more comfortable calling her Lizzie.  Here she is making adorable animal sounds all while "hiding" from me.  Soo cute!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

How I'm doing

Here I am at about 18 weeks.  Feeling good these days.  I've felt the baby kick off and on already, much sooner than last time around and it's such a fun feeling, like a little goldfish wiggling around. I've been really great about working out this time around and we find out in a week if it's a boy or girl and get to see our next babe.  I can't wait!!!!!!!   And on top of it all, Thanksgiving is tomorrow and that'll be nice.

I was telling Paul that the day that I cook a turkey for Thanksgiving will be when I have crossed the last frontier in my life since I grew up in a vegetarian home with parents from different countries (meaning, Thanksgiving wasn't a huge deal in our home and we had fish).  So far, I've been skirting around the issue and making fun/nice stuff like pumpkin pie and sweet potato casserole with marshmallows (yum) and I will continue to do so as long as I humanely can (I still have never made mashed potatoes from scratch before, just with those dehydrated potato pearls, lol).

But I digress. My real reason for posting was to reflect on this special day and something that my yoga teacher (I suddenly love yoga these days whereas I never had patience before for it, funny, huh?) asked us to do.  She asked us to think on 5 things we were grateful for each day and that we would be lifted out of any sort of depression or sadness.  Not saying I have these things although I will admit I am sometimes anxious but not depressed.  Anyway, I decided to share my five with you:

This Thanksgiving 2012 am grateful for:

1.  Paul - my husband who constantly strives to do better and who ALWAYS wants to do the right thing.  I feel like I need to live up to his image of me and what I am and this in turn makes me into a better person so it really is true in our marriage - he makes me want to be a better person.
2.  Our sweet Elisabeth - I have been reflecting lately on her loving and tender personality and how I am really starting to get to know her as a person.  I love the kisses and hugs she gives me and the way she loves to be held and her happiness.  She is a genuinely good person with no meanness in her.  I LOVE that.  Being without guile is something that always attracts me to others and it's a rare quality which I need to develop more.
3.  Our baby on the way - Paul and I can't believe the blessing we have of having another child and I am sure that each one will astound us and fill us with joy.  Every day I pray for our baby to be of sound mind, strong body, and sweet soul (it worked with little Lizzie).
4.  My parents - I am really grateful that they are not divorced and that I didn't come from a broken home.  They have done their best.
5.  Jesus - I am more mindful of Him than I ever have been in my life and yet there is so much more I could do to think of Him and be there for Him.  I try to ponder this question which I know He will ask me when I pass on to the next life "What have you done for me?"  Am I ready to answer that?  What have I done?  I am working on serving Him better.

I remember about seven years ago my life was not nearly as wonderful and happy as today and I remember hearing president Monson quote the D&C verse "Let your home be a house of prayer, of fasting, of..." well, I can't remember the rest but it wasn't any of those wonderful things but guess what??  Yup, it sure is now!!

Thank you dear Lord and Savior!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What Paul and I did during elections

Yup.  Guilty as charged.  Above is a picture of us kissing on the Strip in Las Vegas.  That's where we spent election day.  Haha.  Just kidding, well kind of.  We did go to Las Vegas but not for the high life, we went to canvas and campaign for Romney and it was one of the best weekends of my life, especially with Paul as my buddy.  Not only that, my Aunt and Uncle Stacey and our friends Aaron and Krysti Libby came along as well.  
On the bus on the way there

With Krysti Libby

With Aunt Iza, I'm so glad she came

Yes yes we all know how this story ends.  Obama won, Romney didn't, but it was one of the best things I have done because I got to meet and mingle with all these wonderful people who believe in the same dream as me and Paul, that we can work and fight for America and do it by going street to street.  I'm definitely sad that Romney lost and I'm not sure where this country is headed (there's much talk of fiscal cliffs) but I like to know that the "little people" are good and noble and ready to help.  

We drove out Friday evening in a bunch of busses from Orem and the mood was joyful for all of us.  We left Lizzie with my cousin Jemmy and Paul's mom so we left her in good hands.  The next morning, and every morning following, we went to a rally at one of the headquarters in Vegas where some director would give us a speech about how important it was what we are doing because Nevada was a swing state.  I loved those rallies.  Then, we would hop into 12 person vans and get dropped off at various neighborhoods to pass out Romney info and precinct voting info to the homes of people who were independent to ask them not to forget to vote.  The people in the van were a delight and we got to meet a lot of people on whose doors we knocked.  Some were friendly and some weren't but we felt proactive and positive.  We did the same thing for four days (at night we played and went downtown with our friends and family).  On Tuesday night we drove back home and got there at about 2:30 a.m. on Wednesday.  It was pretty tough to listen to the results the whole way back.  I was especially bummed that Romney didn't get Nevada.  Well, that's about it but it was unforgettable, especially with my best friend in the world - Paul.   

Paul - the master canvasser

Standing in front of headquarters with Aaron and Krysti during the rally

This was by a pretty swanky neighborhood

The rally
On the strip in front of a canoe sculpture

At a Romney dinner (they paid for food, transportation, and hotel wow)

At the rally

Nice weather there for Nov - 81 degrees and sunny

Our van team - I love em!


We had the warmest Halloween of my life (ay ay ay Global Warming!!).  It was about 70 degrees and we dressed Elisabeth up as a cute lil Tinkerbell and took her to our ward's trunk or treat.  Good times.