Saturday, June 25, 2016

Grace you are 2 years old!!!

Oh man she is almost 2 years and one month old.  Time flies.  Busy summer but fun summer!!  Gracie Lou had a great birthday, I think. Unfortunately with 4 kids it's harder to take her to a fun and special place but we still had a great time.  She got some cute toys.

Oh man I love it when she "smiles" this is her "smile" hehe

Gracie burrito at Bear Lake right after she almost drowned and right before she face planted.  Poor girl had a rough morning that day.

Wearing matching shirts courtesy of her Aunt Carol.  So so cute!!

As you can see in this last pic.  She is headstrong.  She will pose and smile for pics when she darn pleases and she is my first real foray into the terrible two's.  She's got em.  Lizzie and Moses have yet to be naughty kittens.  They are fabulous and so are you Grace.  You teach me new things every day with your fun and hilarious personality.  I love nothing more than to watch you run with your cute little hop step waddle run.  It's like you push off the floor with your feet.  So so cute and I love the way you say "I'm cupe" and the way when you get sad you let me hold you and hold you and put your head right in the crook of my neck just the very best way it feels.  Oh so turns out you are 56% for weight and 74% for height.  You will be 5'9".  Wow!!  So cool.  Tall Lizzie and Grace.  You love to color and you love to share and you love to help me put things away.  I very very much appreciate that and I love you so so much Grace.  Thank you for being my adorable oops baby.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Maxwell you are 6 months old!!!

Hello sweet boy.  Well the doc says you are gonna be a big one!  Wahoo. You are so so dang adorable.

Here are your milestones:

-Your big sis Lizzie adores you and dotes on you and says googoo to you and you love it and you kick your little feet
-28 inches in height - 95% (wow!!)
-16 lbs 12 oz - 24% for weight (oh my let's feed you more.  Doc says it's ok)
-Head circumference 42 cm - 42% (still have no idea what this means)
-You don't really have an interest in sitting up.  That's ok.  
-You love to roll over from back to front and sometimes you figure out how to go the other way.
-You are such a flirty and happy baby
-You despise the gym and the ladies there.  You cry an angry cry if I take you there.  Mom is figuring out alternatives to the gym.
-You are a happy happy boy.
-Not much else, oh you have some acid reflux but the doc says you'll grow out of it.  I think that's all.  I love you soooooo much baby Maxwell.  

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A before I forget post....

Something cute Moses said the other day to Paul:

"Moses why are all these grapes scattered around?"

"Becasue I broke my dinosaur dad"

Tee hee.  Makes no sense.  He is so darling.  We recently returned from Bear Lake and Tiffany said she found him in bed clapping and singing "Beauty and the Beast."  Cuuute!  I love you lil Mo.