Tuesday, August 26, 2014

On Paul

So yeah Paul got laid off yesterday.  Quite a shock!  I am doing okay actually.  I have a lot of faith that with his educational background and skill set, he'll be fine.  Paul thinks he will too.  It was a surreal day yesterday though.  I'll tell ya that.  He got laid off by the VP and HR person.  A few hours later, he got contacted by a headhunter (just randomly), soon after that he got an email that one of our previous renters is taking him to small claims court for not giving security deposit money back (those former renters broke a couple of our doors and windows), then after that we got a huge reimbursement check from our health insurance.  What a beautiful, blessed day.  I have faith we will be fine.  This will be a sure way for Paul to find something he really loves.  The layoff could not have come at a better time.  We just sold our triplex so we don't have that to worry about anymore.  Praise be to the Lord.  I am truly happy and grateful and see the Lord's hand in all of this.  Paul is at the temple now seeking guidance and inspiration.  So happy he can do that and wants to do that.  Man do I love that husband of mine.

Grace is sleeping through the night!

I think I can safely say it without jinxing myself but she is sleeping through the night!!  She began it at 10 1/2 weeks and there have been two nights (my fault I didn't give her enough dream feed milk) where she regressed but now she is 12 weeks old and I think it's okay to say it's working.  Wahoo!!  This morning she squeaked at the blissful hour of 6:55 and it was lovely, lovely, lovely.  You never know how precious your sleep is until it's gone, do ya?  Anyway, there's my delight-some news.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Moses is 16 months old!

Oh man do I ever love this boy!  He is allll boy!  Just a big yummy pork chop.  I want to gobble him up.  He's not doing much talking but we don't care.  We're just crazy for the boy.  He's still pretty sad when I nurse Grace but he loves when we hold him and snuggle him.  He is getting better at walking.  Thank goodness. Here he is below with his poppa who adores him.  It's soooo fun to watch them wrestle together. Moses I'm so grateful for you in our lives.  I love you Mo.

Friday, August 8, 2014

My lil garden

 So Paul helped me start up a square foot garden in June.  He laid it out for me (thank you love!) and then I planted the plants that I had seeded a few months earlier inside.  Lizzie and I planted them a few days after Grace was born and check it out now!  Not too bad huh?  Squash will be ready to pick in a few days.
Plus we got out first tomato.  It was delicious!  So much better than storebought and for the first time I understood why tomatoes are called fruits.  Yum-o!
Thank you Lord for the bounty in my garden.  Hopefully I'll do another post about this in a few weeks with even more to show.  I can't tell you how grateful I am every day for living in this incredible town and in this lush valley.  It makes me happy every day.  I love our home and land and ward and neighbors and everything around us. Thank you Lord!

Paul finished up the basement

This post has been a long time coming...  Once upon a time our basement was just one big open area.  See here:

It was fun to play in and such but when we got pregnant with Grace.  Paul decided to make it into two bedrooms.  One for Moses and one for Grace.  I am so impressed with Paul.  He worked and worked and worked.  See below:

Now see how it looks below:

Ta da!  Isn't Paul amazing.  I am truly, truly impressed with what he did.  I especially love the light on the ceiling. I thought I married a computer whiz but turns out that Paul is good at everything.  He is farmer Paul and sprinkler Paul and construction man Paul.  Quite attractive, I must say.  Thank you hunny for fixing up our basement.  We have gone from 3 bedrooms to 5 bedrooms and the kids are really happy PLUS, Paul got his office back on the first floor.  I love you hunny!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The 9 week wall

So yeah I've hit that wall again.  Too funny.  It happens every time.  Grace is 9 weeks this week and after this week things always get a little better but with both kids I remember thinking.  Oh man this is the way it's gonna be for the rest of my life!  I am exhausted.  2 a.m. doesn't agree with me.  Anyway, I've gotta go get some rest right now but I thought I'd log this cause it's back.  Ha!

Grace is 2 months old!

Yeah baby girl.  You are getting there!  You weigh 12.1 pounds (68%) and 23 inches (73%).  You had your blessing on your two month mark, August 3, 2014.  You were a wonderful and quiet baby girl up there.  Not a peep to be made.  Your dad gave you a great blessing.  Said to follow your mom and you'll be okay.  I better step up to the plate huh?  Wink.

You started smiling about two weeks ago and you give us big smiles all the time.  The doc says you are the picture of health and we are so so grateful for you.  I've gotta admit I'm so sleepy cause you are I are working hard on getting rid of your 2 a.m. feeding.  I feel like you are pretty close to finishing that up.  The other night you slept until 5.  You do like to sneak out of your swaddle.  But my you are a patient and happy little one.  So cuddly.  You are really good at tummy time and often you roll over onto your back when you do it.  You only cry when hungry and also sometimes when I change your diaper.  I don't think you are a fan of cold wipes.  I understand.  Also, I love you so.


Your mama

P.S.  Also your dad loves you so.  He calls you "lil puff"