Monday, March 28, 2016

Lizzie you are 5!!

So on Wednesday, March 23, 2016 our little Lizzie girl turned 5.  Can you believe it??  Our little hunnybuns.  She was just born.  Oh how I love her.  Before I forget here's what she said to Moses the other day.  He wanted to have his Ken (Barbie doll who only has 1 leg swim) with Lizzie's barbie in the barbie swimming pool but she said to him "Moses!  Ken is not allowed to be here because I don't want people in this pool with only one leg."  Hahahahaha!  So cute huh?  Totally serious and cute of her.

So here is my lovely lazy photo dump of Lizzie on her big day.  She requested pancakes and eggs which Paul so kindly made and then we sang to her and gave her an Ariel cupcake cake (her request).  We sang to her and she was happy and got a bunch of cute presents like a huge barbie suitcase from her Mami Vicky and Opi and and Ana outfit and a mom and me cookbook and some arts and crafts and a new Easter dress and some other things that I can't remember.  Woops.  Mama sleepy (but in other news baby Maxwell has been sleeping through the night now for like a week and I am a new woman!!  Yes a new and grateful woman).

Lizzie played with her toys all morning and was a happy girl.  The next day I brought the cupcake cake in to her school and they sang to her there.  Oh my little precious girl is 5?  What is new with her?:

-She is incredibly social!  Much more than I remember being at her age.  Wow.  She loves playdates and friends and such.
-She loves preschool and her favorite subject is math and counting
-She loves to write her name with little flowers on the I's - so cute and creative
-She loves arts and crafts and already is better at it than I am.
-She can "read" a few books from preschool but I don't think she is crazy about reading yet and I'm not gonna push it even though my type A wants her to read asap.  Slow and steady mama....
-She can play two twinkle variations.  It's a lotta work but I'm happy she has a thing she works on almost every day
-She is a delightful and wonderful big sister.  She helps mama all the time and the other kids and never fights with them and loves to coo on Maxwell.
-I'm a big big fan of hers and I hope and pray she knows this to be true even though I get after her a million times a day for not obeying instantly and being too slow to get ready etc.  Oh boy oh boy do I hope she forgives me for being impatient and otherwise an annoyed mom.  I love her so much.  I'm just always tired out by the cute kiddos.
-She loves to dance and can dance really well.  She keeps a good and steady beat and loves "daddy jams."  She also likes to ballerina dance.  Oh she is a cutie alright.
-She is quite impressionable with her peers.  I'll pick up on her doing things like her friends do after a play date.  Must be a white personality like me.  We love to pick up on other people's habits, bad and good.
-She does this fascinating thing where she will literally bring up something from 2 years past which I thought she had forgotten.  Not so my dear.   She has a great memory, for better or worse.
-She still naps about 2 or 3 times a week, no sweat (even though it means she'll stay up late the next night).
-She is 47' so 99th% for height and 46 pounds so 86th% for weight.  Those are yer stats.
-Oh how I love love love and admire my firstborn.  She is a sweet treasure.  I thank the Lord for my stewardship over her.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Lizzie and Grace doing crafts

" la la la la"  You know, from White Christmas?  Oh man they are playing together so cute and this one on the right, lil Lizzie will be 5 in 10 days.  I can no longer say 4 under 4.  Sniff.  I can't imagine my blessed life without my sweethearts.  I hope they know I love them so much and I pray every day that I don't scowl at them too much.

Baby Maxwell's baby blessing

Yesterday, Sunday, March 13 at 9 a.m. was his special day.  He got blessed and we had a great gathering of friends and family at our home later.  He also turned 3 months on the 13th.  Cool huh?  Also, he slept through the night at 12 weeks (he is 13 weeks now) and did that for about 5 days but then the day of his blessing (also daylight savings yoikes!) he decided to wake up super early and it was murder and so he and I had a "talk" tonight and I explained to him that he needs to sleep all the way through the night and I'm confident he will.

Paul gave him a lovely blessing and seeing as how I only slept four hours that morning I can't really remember it!  Ay ay ay.  Waaaah!  But it was lovely.  Beautiful spirit there and Maxwell didn't cry or anything.  Pictures below.  What do you think?  I think he looks like my little Mexican baby?  Maybe takes after my grandpa Papa Carlitos a bit?  That's the vibe I'm getting.  He is so sweet.  He smiles and coos all the time and I swear he is saying "Mom!  I'm trying to tell you what it was like over there on the other side!"  haha.  Who knows?  We had a great after party and lots of good friends came and good food (Hawaiian Haystacks and the traditional tres leches cake, yum).  Happy life.  I am grateful for yesterday.  And I am SOOOOO grateful for my beautiful family and also healthy family.  Thank you Lord.