Wednesday, June 24, 2015

What Lizzie said today...

Well  she says a lot of funny and cute things like the other day she said "mom, am I not adorable?" in the most serious voice.  So cute but here is the latest:


Mom downstairs putting Moses to bed leaving Grace in her high chair and Lizzie supposedly sitting at the kitchen table.  Mom comes up stairs out of breath cause she always is and sees a new toy mess on the carpet.

"Mommy, you won't believe what happened!  When you left Grace got out of her high chair all by herself, and walked to the toy box and dumped out all the toys and then walked herself back to her high chair and buckled herself in!" says Lizzie (very seriously).

Oh man I just laughed out loud and then she did too and we talked about how important it is to tell the truth.  Cute huh?  Lizzie you are adorable!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Payson temple with the kids

Sorry.  Photo dump again.  I need to go take a nap.  But yeah we took Lizzie and Moses to the Payson temple open house.  Loved it.  I think they did too.  Afterwards, we took them swimming and to the Spaghetti Factory for dinner which they enjoyed.  Nice family day.  My isn't my husband handsome!  So proud to be LDS and to have a family in the covenant.

Baby Grace you are one!!!

Gracie Lou!!  Look at you.  Just look at you, you little cupcake!!  You are perfect in every way.  And you are one.  We had lemon muffins for your birthday and sang to you and here's what's new with you:

  • You say mama, dada, and banana!  You love bananas
  • You are eating more solid foods but still love baby food
  • You like to "help" me in the kitchen by tossing out all the kiddie cups 
  • You love your mom and don't like it so much when she puts your down
  • You are a great napper (thank you!)
  • You are taking steps!  Yes, two days before you turned 1, I saw you stand and then take one step and today I saw you stand and take two steps to me.  But only when there is no pressure.  
  • You are all fat rolls and squishy and you love when I play airplane with you.
  • You are a great stander
  • You loves bouncing
  • You are so snuggly
  • You are not such a fan of milk yet.  Your body kinda said "huh" but now I think you are coming around.
  • Nary an ear infection since your tubes.  Wahoo!!
I love you with all my heart and soul Grace and your siblings love and adore you too and your daddy does too.  Thank you for coming to our family.  I cannot imagine a life without you.