Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Paul is now executive secretary of our new ward!

So there's our new bishopric!  Pretty cool huh?  They made some changes this week and we are now part of the new ward Wild Mare ward and Paul is executive secretary along with Josh Spears as Bishop, Larry Labrum as first counselor, and Jerry Jones as second counselor.  So proud of Paul.  As we keep on saying to each other about it "a blessing on your head.  Mazel Tov. Mazel Tov."  I'm really quite excited about it.  Plus the caliber of the men in the bishopric is very high.  I love you Paul.

A word on Lizzie

What can I say?  I adore her.  She is so so so so good.  She always obeys.  She's never thrown a tantrum in her life!  She tells me things like "look I'm obeying mama!"  She loves to hug and kiss and tells us she loves us.  She loves to dance and is a good dancer.  She is nice to Moses and so caring to baby Grace.  She likes to snuggle.  She eats anything I give her, even broccoli.  She is patient.  She loves to go to church and is reverent.  She is nice to her friends.  Being around her is like holding a crystal vase or watching the most breathless sunset.  You're almost afraid to move, it's so beautiful and exquisite.  That's what Lizzie is, exquisite.  She's never had terrible two's or three's.  I knock on wood all the time.  Lizzie, I love you so much!  

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Moses is 15 months old!


This is his month to thrive I tell ya.  I'm so proud of you, my little man.  Fifteen months is glorious age, I've decided.  He is all round and with the perfect fat rolls plus he has really come into his own as a little person.  He's an official toddler, I tell ya.  Here's what he's up to:

  • He walks, toddles, or hobbles up a storm
  • He takes a great long nap every day from 12-3:30 or 4
  • He is a cuddler.  Paul and I love cuddles from him.  So special
  • He says banana, dada, mama and if you ask him what any animal sounds makes he says "woof woof" so adorbs!
  • He still slobbers and drools up a storm
  • He is still pretty unsure about Grace and sometimes pokes her in the eye and she cries
  • He is beginning to like cars a lot and he also loves to "drive" the car outside
  • He giggles so well
  • He finally will eat brocolli and cauliflower
Moses I love you so.  I'm so proud of you for the little man you are becoming.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Baby Grace is already a month old!

This post is gonna be quick cause I need to take a nap.  But yes our baby girl is a month old and thriving.  I am counting my lucky stars.  This baby girl of mine is a champ!  She is so sweet and gentle and she rarely cries, burps on command, and is a sweet and gentle baby.  What a blessing.  She even goes to bed with her eyes open.  She loves baths.  She is an angel baby!!!!  So so grateful.  I love her and her snuggly-ness soooo much.  Thank you dear Father in Heaven for such a wonderful baby.  I love you baby Grace.