Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Moses is 19 months!

Wow I don't know how to express how dear Moses is to my heart.  My mom said it to me today "he is just so special."  He is such a sweet cuddler.  Here's what's new with my baby boy:

  • He adores Lizzie and does whatever she does especially when she dances and spins
  • He loves a good dance beat and enjoys dancing and spinning
  • He has decided to stop talking for a while and mostly just points at stuff and says "eh!" until we get it
  • He loves to laugh when others are laughing
  • He loves the sandbox
  • He loves the traincars
  • He is still a cuddler
  • He likes things to be explained to him
  • He does wave bye bye very well
Can't think of more right now but man do I ever love my baby Mo.  

Monday, November 3, 2014

Grace is 5 months old!

Oh man she is the cutest little muffin cup!  I love Grace sooo much!  I love holding her and nursing her and watching her little leg kick up and holding her hand in mine as she nurses.  Gosh I love everything about her.  She has the softest hair and she is such a smiley baby.  Here's some more new on her:

  • She is starting to kinda "talk" when she wakes up instead of cry.  I remember Moses did this around the same time.  I love it.  
  • She is getting better at tummy time.  If I put something out of her reach, she will grasp at it until she can get it.
  • She is discovering her toes and is loving pulling everything in her baby gym. 
  • She is starting to roll from back to front.  Pretty cool.
  • She is happy as ever.
  • She is staying up longer in the morning.  That's pretty cool. 
Well I think that's it.  This mama is sooo tired.  G'night!

Happy Halloween!!

Aaah Halloween!  We just finished that season and it was nice.  So nice to "grow" with your kids and see them appreciate different holidays through your eyes.  I love it all.  The only thing that bugs me is that it seems like so much of what we celebrate is tied to food and not good food at all.  Really bad food or, as I am learning in my paleo studies, "edible food substances."  Isn't that what it is really?  Just thinking about that lately has me in wonder and awe.  I look at a bowl of candy and think.  Nah.  Even a Twix has lost its joy for me.  It's so annoying though, isn't it.  From Halloween through Valentine's Day (and maybe coasting into Easter) it's all about the food and candy.  I'm really waffling these days on how much of it to do or participate in it foodwise.  There is something so lovely and snuggly about making cookies or bread or putting ones heart into a fabulous meal that might (gasp!) include some grains.  Still trying to make sense of it all.  My head says Paleo is the way to go but my heart sometimes yearns for the comforting traditions that go along with "regular" food.

Anyway, I haven't even touched Halloween though, have I?  I'm feeling sick-ish these days.  That kind of sick where if I push myself just once too often, it's gonna really make me sick and yet I am always pushing myself.  So tired ya'll.  So Halloween was nice.  We went to a coupled of parties and I dressed up Lizzie as Lil Bo Peep and Grace and Moses were her little sheep.  It was adorable!  Wanna see?? M'kay.

Oh yeah she was also a cat sometimes cause it's a lot easier to wear cat ears than a hoop skirt

My lil lambie.  Man do I love her.  Oh yeah I was a mouse.  Easiest costume ever.

Mowie not thrilled about that. Haha!

Library time with Miss Sally.

 For Halloween itself we were rebels and didn't go to our local Trunk or Treat but decided to do the real thing and went down to Holladay and did the full trick or treat thing with Martha's family.  That was nice.  Afterward, we hung out.  Lizzie played, Moses wandered and Greta and Paul really got into the candy trading and bartering.  We also did a bunch of Just Dance Wiii stuff.  That was so fun.  I don't like video games but I wouldn't mind having this in our home cause everyone loves it and gets into it.  Paul and I even did that silly song from Dirty Dancing.  Paul was such a gem.  He loved getting into it with me.