Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The weight of motherhood

So Lizzie turned 4 on Monday and we threw her a big birthday bash on Saturday!!  Happy birthday baby girl (post on her fabulous birthday to come).  For the past couple of months (I think since I began watching the Duggars' show) I've been feeling uneasy about motherhood.  A bit of a queasy feeling, if you will.  I couldn't put my finger on it until today though when I did my daily meditation in the shower.  Yeah, no time for meditation outside the shower but I LOVE my shower time and I've never been able to quite figure it out until today either - it's because I am meditating without knowing it.  You'll never hear me singing in the shower, nope.  No matter how busy I am during a day, I'm almost always able to squeeze in a hot shower.

Anyway, shower, so, I've been feeling overwhelmed, directionless and uninspired lately and it's not the first time in my life but it is the first time with kids.  Here is Lizzie.  She's four now and what have I helped her do to show her for it??!!  Egads!!  Mama's got some catching up to do.  I can justify some of it on having three little ones very, very close together in age but I've figured out the rub.  It's the weight of having the futures of three individuals resting on your head or in other words the weight of being a wise and good steward to three beautiful and precious souls of our Heavenly Father.  Gulp!
Right now, some of my best days are days when my kids are able to eat a healthy meal.  I get a big grin on my face when they eat steamed broccoli (and they love it, bye the way!) and steamed cauliflower for dinner.  I did it guys! - I think to myself.  But man can't live by healthy veggies alone.  Man needs spiritual guidance, teaching, ABCs, reading, arts and crafts - and this is where I'm failing.  It freaked me out so much last night that I watched Jersey Shore season 1 on my month of free Amazon prime.  I completely shut down last night.  But I am ready today but here is an open prayer to my Heavenly Father.

Father in Heaven.  I need Thine help in being a good and wise steward to these lovely people you have sent me so I can send them back to Thee.  Please give me the wisdom and ability and joy and energy and direction I so desperately need to help them along their way.  I am beyond grateful for them.  In the name of our Savior - Amen.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Notes on today

This lovely lady above came and spoke in our ward today.  She said some pretty wonderful things and I can't remember most of it except that she said "if you want to be respected, you must be respectable."  I love it!  She also said this, quoting herself in an October 2000 talk called The Joy of Womanhood:

The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender. There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind. There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined. We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need more women of faith. We have enough greed; we need more goodness. We have enough vanity; we need more virtue. We have enough popularity; we need more purity.

What a delight it is to have her and her husband in our ward.  Such inspirations they are to me.

Also, I listened to a Power of Moms podcast today and it said "stop trying to be perfect to and for your children, just work on being lovable and kind."  I needed that cause I am working more towards perfect than lovable.  I need to pour my love into those sweet little baby cheeks. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

The news - on Paul!! Good n

Who is this fine specimen you are looking at here?  Why it's Paul McAllister, my dear husband.  Aha but look again because not only is he my wonderful husband, he is now - for a week plus already - Vice President of IT for Finicity - a financial tech startup based out of Murray.  How cool is that??!!  You think that's cool, you have nooooo idea!  I must share this story with you before I forget it all because it's truly a miracle.  Divine intervention, you might say!

So remember when I blogged about Cabo a while back?  So fun!  Such a great and needed minimoon. Well, we almost didn't go to Cabo, we almost went to Cancun, and we almost didn't go that weekend, we almost went the following weekend cause Paul had a class he was taking that weekend but then he decided to skip it cause it was the only weekend that worked for Jared and Alyson for some reason, can't remember, to go to Disney with us.  Anyhoo, so the stars aligned and we went to Disney and then Cabo.  I had already looked up and written down the address to the LDS church near our hotel and wrote down that they had a 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. service.  We almost went to the 1 p.m. one but then decided last minute to go to the 9 a.m. one.  We got a taxi and I asked him to come back for us an hour later.

Church was wonderful.  We spoke with missionaries there from Utah and just loved the ambiance and dedication and spirit of it all.  Another couple walked in a few minutes late and sat a few rows ahead of us.  I thought I recognized the lady but didn't give it much thought.  After sacrament, the couple came up to us and I started talking to her and remembered her name was Leah Thomas and we were talking about how I knew her from Mentors International where I used to work.  Such a small world.  It was fun to catch up and then we introduced our husbands to each other.

On the short cab ride home, her husband Nick started talking with Paul about his job and gave Paul his email so he could email him because his company was having some phone system woes.  We didn't give it much thought after we left them at their hotel and continued on our merry way to relaxing by the ocean.  Paul emailed him the next day at the airport.  The following day Nick asked him to come to the office.   Paul came and they visited for a long time and Nick felt that he would be great as a Vice President of IT for their company.  Turns out Nick is the president!  I was astounded to say the least!! Paul had to go through six more grueling interviews and we both got super stressed.  I pretty much scratched the whole thing off and just decided to be grateful Paul had a job when a week later Paul texted me and said "say hello to the new VP - same salary as the job before I got laid off and stock options!!"  Whaaaaa???!!  Praises to the Lord!  I could hardly believe it and called him and we were delighted together.

He began his new job last Thursday, Feb 26, 2015 and he is LOVING it.  The other night, I heard him rustling around 2 a.m. and asked him if all was well and he said "I'm just sooooo excited!!"  I haven't heard him this happy in a loooong time.  Tiffany, my lovely sister-in-law says, I just love it when Paul gets so excited.  I know exactly what she means.  He is such a pro, digging into his new job and just happy and getting his hands "dirty" and learning a ton about how to be a leader and having weird hours cause he leads a team in India.  You go, baby, you go!!  Paco, I love you, yes I do!!  You can do it and I'm just so grateful for the Lord's hand in our lives for this fortuitous blessing.


Grace is 9 months!

Do you see that kiddo of ours in those pics?  She is such a delight!!  I love you Gracie Lou!  So smiley.  This is a big month for her.

  • She crawls!!  Our baby goo crawls now.  I turn for one second and she is across the room.
  • She puts everything in her mouth but is not a fan of putting puffs or chewy food in her mouth.  She is quite picky with the textures.  Is okay.  
  • She is such a happy baby except when she is sick
  • She is sick - fourth ear infection in four months!
  • Poor baby
  • She is such a trooper about it
  • She is on amoxilicin which gives her diarrhea which gives her a bad bum rash, ouch!
  • In other news, she says a lot of syllables.  I think she'll be an early talker
  • She loves people so so much!
  • Such a happy baby.  
  • We are so grateful for her
  • Babyhood goes so swiftly, ya know?
  • Thank you Grace for being an easy, angel baby.  We couldn't ask for anything more...

Moses is 23 months

I can't believe it's only one more month until he is 2.  Cray cray man.  He sure is blossoming these days.  Seems a lot happier and talks so much.  Here's what else is new:

  • He LOVES to sing along to any song and knows the words to a lot of primary songs.  Especially enjoys doing hand motions, if required.  Cuuute!
  • He pads around rooms in his fat little feet
  • Loves onesie time
  • Does whatever Lizzie does
  • Still loves to snuggle and read books especially if they have airplanes in their
  • Points to the air when he hears an airplane and says clear as day "airplane"
  • Has come a long way as far as talking is concerned.  He says a ton of words.
  • Only throws a small tantrum if we don't explain what we need from him.
  • Goes happily off to bed or naptime and takes wonderful, long naps
  • Loves on Grace by hugging her but occasionally is kind of "medio bruto" to her and tries to squish her.  Lizzie tries the same things on Mo and he doesn't like it.  You'd think he'd learn.
  • Gives Lizzie whatever she asks him for, since he worships her
  • Lets Lizzie hold his hand to walk him across the street.  You should see the three of us little ducks.  Too cute! 
Is the cutest snuggliest boy you have ever seen!!  Paul and I feel so blessed.  Thank you dear Lord.