Sunday, January 25, 2015

A change in my heart

This post may be hard to express and even harder to understand but there is a change going on with me.  I have been watching the Duggar's who are a family of 20 or something (I've lost count) and they are very religious and faithful and wonderful.  Their show is so stinking boring and I love it!  It just shows the intricacies of a large family and it's like a study guide for me.  I keep trying to figure out the appeal of me watching some kids go to the dentist together or making pickles and I've nailed it.  It's their mom - Michelle.  She is my hero!  She is such an incredible mom but not only that.  Here's the clincher - she does it all with a smile!  A smile!  She LOVES being a mom and gushes out joy of life and momhood from every pore.  She loves her little souls around her and I get it!  She is my role model because she has 20 kids and I've never seen her get exasperated or yell.  She just goes with it and treats each child so well.  That's me now!  I have really been working on not being impatient and just smiling and if I do have something to say, I get down on their level and look in their yes and just say it matter of factly and they obey and it's truly revolutionary.

You see, I think I've been living my life wrong.  Sad to say.  I've been playing the game.  Such a silly game too.  I didn't think I was but I was.  I wasn't playing it as crazy as some folks do but I still was but now I realize the game doesn't even matter, not one bit!  What matters - and here comes the important stuff -  is treating every single every single day like a gift and treating every single person I come in contact with like the Savior would.  Truly seeing at their level.  Truly respecting them.  Truly loving them and understanding them and - here is another clincher - not caring what they do in return.

Now I'm a work in progress.  I'm gonna have some slip ups but the slip ups don't define me.  What defines me is the person I am every day and I can begin in my home with my great children and my wonderful husband.  I can make the perfect effort every day to make them feel 100% wonderful around me and like they have someone who loves them no matter what and supports them.

I so desperately want everyone around me to leave me feeling like their life is a little better.  I want them to hold themselves a little higher every time they interact  with me.  Dear Lord, my desire is true, pure, and honest.  Please help me to accomplish this earnest endeavor.  Please help me to define myself going forward as one who loves others as the Savior loves.  Who nurtures and supports and uplifts.  I can do this!  I know I can.  And I can start in my home.  Amen!  Amen!!!

Moses is 21 months!

Your truly at 2 years old - spitting image of Mowie, I think!

Oh Moses!!  My handsome baby boy.  I love you so much!  My favorite thing to do is get really close to your face and stare at you in the eyes.  As you can tell by these pics, Moses and Lizzie are always together and love each other and have tiffs and love each other again.  The miracle of siblings, wow!  I'm still figuring that whole thing out.  Moses is doing well.  He seems happier these days unless a stranger comes by and then he seems stressed and worried.  Here's what's new with him:

  • He is talking more.  He says "hot" when I bring him hot food and sometimes finishes a song I sing like "no more monkeys jumping on the _____" and he says bed
  • He follows Lizzie around
  • He loves the cool cars that his daddy got him for Christmas
  • He adores his dad and runs to daddy when he comes home from work
  • He loves cuddles so much
  • He loves for me to read him books about trains or cars and it's so fun to see him being such a boy!
  • He hugs Grace and loves on her and she likes it
Mowie I love you forever.  Thank you for being my son.  

Grace is 7 months

Well...almost 8 actually but who's counting right?  Life has run away with me.  So funny.  I remember blogging the minutia of Lizzie's day and having the time for that (speaking of which Lizzie really, really deserves a blog update on her, lil cutie).  Now I'm breathless but happy too.  I recently heard the coolest quote "These are the best times of our life and we don't even know it."  I know exactly what that means!  I feel it!  I am living it!!  What's new with Grace?  Here you have it:

  • She is a squeaker
  • She is so happy all the time
  • Her lil legs stick out of the car seat
  • She took a bath with the other kiddos and she doesn't need the baby bathtub anymore
  • She loves when I throw her in the air
  • She's not a fan of puffs but LOVES to eat a lot of food
  • She is "getting air" when she is on the floor, close to crawling
  • She is rolling around which my other two kids never did.  Fascinating to watch.  
  • She is finally out of her swaddle snowsuit and sleeps on her tummy now and loves it
  • Ooooh and I finally figured out some cute ways to style her hair.  I discovered these tiny elastic bands that make her hair so cute n spiky.  Enjoy!

I think that's it.  Gracie poo I love you!! 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Oh dear! As rabbit in Winnie the Pooh says

It's arrived: 3 child syndrome!  Egads!  I barely have time to breathe days.  Brushing my teeth is again optional and a warm shower is equivalent to a full spa package.  I am so behind in blogging.  This blog has become an update on the kids' milestones each month and yet I have sooo much more to say.  Where did Christmas and New Year's go??  So sad but not bad though.  Life is good.  Great in fact because Paul has a job again!!  Wahoo!!  Praise the Lord.  He got the offer mid-December and began on Dec 29 and loves it a ton!  Our prayers were answered and I spend my days thanking our Heavenly Father for the job.  Four months of unemployment is not for the feint of heart.  And now I have been given more hours at work which is very very helpful.

Christmas and New Years were very nice this year.  The kids and I spent New Years and about 10 days at my parents' home in Colorado.  Also, our neighbors did a sub 4 Santa for us.  So sweet.  The kids got a ton of gifts and loved them.  Paul got Moses a lot of hot wheels and they love to play it together!  So, there ya have it.  Or have nothing I guess but man I am sleepy and when do other mom bloggers find the time to blog ya'll??