Saturday, May 30, 2015


So yeah it's um 10:45 but here I sit writing.  I just listened to the best Power of Moms podcast called Enjoy it because it's happening.  Those incredible Eyre sisters have done it again.  Here are a few quick notes I took.  

  • Live the breadth of life not just the depth of it.  
  • Zoom out and get away.  Go outside and look inside your home.  Are you so happy to be a part of that or what? 
  • Big picture guys.  
  • Spend 45 seconds alone with each family member.  You can do that!  
  • Deep, broad, beautiful life. 
  • Try to pursue those "crystal movie moments."  You know the ones in the movies where the lighting gets all magical and pretty music plays.  I have a number of those.

I wanted to end by naming three things I am grateful for today:

1.  We planted our garden and the whole family participated!!  Paul did most of the work. that swell man, but I can't tell you how nice it was to dig into the dirt and have our cute little kids around and plant.  It's been something in the works for a few years.  So so grateful we were able to do it!!
2.  I spent some nice, quiet moments with Moses today.  We read some books and I treasured it immensely.  I am so grateful for my son Moses.  I love him with all my heart.
3.  I met a former primary chorister today who has a great reputation and who taught me a thing or two about what to do with the primary kids.  Have I mentioned this is my calling?  Most importantly, she emphasized how important it is to bring the Spirit into the room?  Also she said that it's probably the most important calling in the church.  Gulp but cool too.  She's right.  In times of sadness and trials, primary songs have gotten to me like no other.  They bring the Spirit into my life.  Thank you former primary choristers.  I love you.

And so I'm off to bed.  

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Expecting number four!!

Just some reflections above in how I feel at any given moment because yes!! Yes!!!  I am preggo.  Very very preggo.  As in I have insane cravings (olives, cottage cheese, fatty casseroles), everything smells bad, ugh, this one is kinda new, and I am quite emotional.  I cry at the drop of a hat.  Egads!  BUT we are so so grateful for our fourth and last baby.  This is why I have been quite slow at blogging lately.  I just can't seem to do anything and always feel slightly jetlagged and nauseous.  Ugh.  Anyway, happy day.

In other news, I have been working at clearing out my life a bit of the clutter and materialism.  I really don't like it.  I yearn to live a minimalist life.  I've unfollowed some blogs that were just making me a little ill.  Just shopping, shopping, shopping and it was too much.  I'm honing in on blogs that inspire and uplift me, not ones that make me feel annoyed, subpar and yes a little jealous.  So silly what we women do, isn't it?  So grateful for some amazing blogs out there like 71 toes and anything by the Eyres and also other blogs that I am too lazy to link to.  Sorry.  That's how pregnant I am.  Zero energy.  So yeah off to bed with me.  Buh bye. 

Grace is 11 months old!!

Grace's first time at McDonalds

Southern Belle

First time on a horse

In her "hospital gown" at Primary Children's to get her tubes in

Aaaah I love a photo dump.  Haha!  Grace is doing so well.  She got her tubes in on May 8 and no sign of infection or even a cold since then.  Praises.  She is such a cutie isn't she in her little hospital robes?  Primary Children's did an EXCELLENT job, I must say.  Really first class over there.  They have a great system and I barely felt like I was waiting and they treated little Grace really well.  So relieved that's over with now.  Grace is standing on her own now for about 5 seconds at a time and says Mama and Dada and seems to connect it to us.  She also waves bye bye and hello and oh yeah the cutest thing of all, she can play peekaboo with her blanket and LOVES to do that and explodes in peals of laughter every time.  Cutest thing ever!!  Oh Grace, my little munchkin, I love you so, my sweet baby.  I am so eternally grateful for you.  I love reading to you, you wiggle worm, and squishing your cheeks and carrying you around and making you happy.  I love you, love you, love you.

Happy birthday Mowie!!

Sweet baby Mo turned 2 on April 9.  Yes I am waaaay behind.  So sorry.  I will tell you why in the next post.  It needs it's own post.  But anyway, our sweet Moses is 2 and such a fine young man.  He still loves snuggles but also loves cars and books about cars and trucks and sticks and stones and all that.  He really does.  I love it so much because he is such A BOY.  So so cool and different from me.  His daddy adores him and they are buddies.  He is only a binky boy now at bed time and he is talking a lot.  Moses words cannot even express how much I adore you.  Sometimes I try to "eat" his chubby cheeks and he giggles and likes it.  We celebrated his birthday by going to the Tracy Aviary.  Pictures now.  I think he liked it.  Also, he went to the doc and all looked good.  Looks like he will be a sturdy 6 feet tall.  He's the bill of health.  Thank you dear Lord.

That little stinker kept pushing this little girl. 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Reveling in it

In motherhood, silly!  I LOVE it.  I'm going to be 100% honest, this whole mother thing did not come easily to me.  Weird huh?  Somehow, I just wasn't prepared for it all.  The all over emotions and the lack of me time.  It was almost like I was holding back, afraid to get my hands dirty.  But now, three kids and four years into it (I know that's kind of a while, but honest, right?)  I LOVE it! I have found my groove.  I'm not gonna say each day is easy.  It's not but you cannot pay enough for the smiles and cuddles and hugs and giggles.  So so fun.  I feel so so so so blessed and I am so grateful I finally understand why people tear up when they see babies.  It's so special and I am really working on being in the moment with it.  No regrets.  No regrets....