Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Baby Maxwell you are one month!!

And in the spirit of a mom with four kids, Maxwell's post is a few days late, but at least I made it, right??  Haha.

Don't you love his look in the last pic above?  So cute!  He is always making this adorable surprise face.  Also, I am waiting any day now for his first smile.  I've caught glimpses.  So what's new at one month??  Hmmm:

  • He seems a lot more alert these days
  • He is a champion day napper.  Also, he is teaching himself to fall back asleep after his 45 minute stint.  Wahooo!  Major win there.  I wish I could teach myself that.  Can't relax but so tired.  Ooof
  • He is a horrid night sleeper.  I can't figure out what's going on there!  Ugh.  He is regularly up at 12 and then at 3 and 4 and sometimes 5!!  What is going on little dude?  Half the time I end up just holding him so he will fall asleep.  Boo hoo.  Not my intention at all but I am beyond tired.  
  • He is sweet and cuddly and so loving and trusting
  • He is starting to get into taking baths.  Doesn't cry as much as he used to.
And in other news.   Grace has the throwups and I sincerely pray that the rest of us will not get it, especially Maxwell.  Ay ay ay.  Anyhoo, gotta go and bury my head in a warm bed now.  Sleep has really caught up with me today.  

Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Joys of Motherhood

I feel like I haven't written about little Miss Gracie Lou in a while but she deserves many posts.  Also I am tired.  But I hope this blog has enough posts about how much I love being a mom to her and to the other sweetie pies in my life because they surely deserve it.  Here are some of my favorite things about motherhood lately:

  • I love putting Grace to bed at night.  She is a real wiggler but at night she and I have cuddle/sing time and she lets me hold her tight and sing to her and doesn't move a muscle.  I love love love this special time with her.  I think she's been having a hard time lately adjusting to the new baby but we still have this special time at night.
  • I love when Moses has me carry him and wraps his little legs around my waist.  He is so light and so happy and he has the deepest brown eyes fringed with long lashes.
  • I love watching Lizzie dance with reckless abandon and joy.  It's truly hypnotic and I want to learn to dance like her.
  • I love how giddy they get when Paul calls on the phone.  They all say "hi dad" and it's cute
  • Prayer time is adorable with them.  They love to pray and fold their arms.
  • We have a lot of good snuggle time on the floor and we love it.  
Well I am pooped!!  Beyond pooped.  Goodnight.  

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Before I forget - a story of faith

I must write this soon.  What a week it's been.  A blur really.  Good news is that baby Maxwell is already 3 weeks old now.  He is growing so fast and I already see his first double chin!!  My little baby.  But this story is not about Maxwell.  It's about poor little Mo, little Mowie.  On Christmas he seemed a bit off so the next day Paul took him in to the walk in clinic at the hospital and the doc said he had some kind of viral infection etc etc take tylenol etc.  He never had much of a fever but by Tuesday morning he was not even eating Paul's yogurt and let me tell you, he LOVES Paul's special Activia yogurt.  He was just a listless lump so I decided to take him to the doc.  Can you believe I almost didn't??  It was gonna be hard but I got a babysitter and took him and boy was that the toughest couple of hours!!

First he got some nebulizer treatments, then they said it was asthma and by the end they put him on oxygen and had me cart him over to the hospital next door where we checked him in as an in-patient and got him all hooked up to the IV and chest x-rays and so forth.  He had pneumonia in both lungs.  So scary.  Oh man even as I write this I tremble with fear for what might have been.  What if I hadn't taken him in?  What if Dr. Schofield (the new partner with Dr. Larsen) hadn't been free or what if they were both out of town?  Luckily, they took this very seriously.  Paul rushed home from work to get to the hospital so I could go home to the babysitter and nurse baby Maxwell.  By this time I was a mess of tears and also was basically bursting at the seams from needing to nurse.  Ouch!  Luckily (I should say blessedly) we also have great babysitters who love Moses so much and were also so supportive and concerned.

Paul told me over the phone they couldn't find a vein on little Moses so they had to do an IV through his neck.  So glad I wasn't there to see that but I guess Moses was so listless they could do anything they wanted with him.  Well for the next day and a half I went back and forth to the hospital and Paul slept there and watched over him and so many friends and ward members helped out and brought food and medicine and came to give him a blessing and texted and called and boy do I feel loved.

Everytime I would leave the hospital, I would cry and I felt so helpless to leave my little Moses there plus I always get postpartum-y after I have a baby.  Lotsa hormones going on over here these days.  So on Wednesday night he wasn't eating or drinking anything and I was so desperate and my mom recommended I give him a smoothie so last minute I decided to make one and I brought it to him and finally he started to drink something!!  Paul and I were so amazed and grateful and right away we knelt down and said a prayer of Thanksgiving.  Praise the Lord!!  I tell you, as we said that prayer, I felt angels around us in the room.  As sure as I am writing this, I can tell you that we were not alone in that room.  That there were those beyond the veil who love and support us and care for us.  I have such a burning testimony of this and I want to share and rejoice in this before I forget.  We had many people praying for us and my heart is full and grateful for all of those wonderful people who believe in the power of prayer.

Well, I should be sleeping but I must write this before I forget.  What a great spiritual experience.  The following day, New Year's Eve in the evening, Moses was released from the hospital and we came home and he is doing better every day and is eating more and drinking more and tomorrow I take him to the doctor.  I am so grateful to the Lord for caring for our beautiful son.  I love you so much Moses.