Thursday, April 14, 2016

Maxwell you are 4 months!!

Isn't he a cutie!!???  Four months is a good age.  He is sleeping much better these days.  I still need to chill out and relax because I find myself waking up at 5 a.m. in fear that he will wake up too or that he won't breathe or that he will sleep too long and etc etc.  Makes a momma a little crazy.  But he doesn't ever do 2 a.m. anymore.  That's a blessing.  So little Maxwell went to the doc today and here's what's new:

-26 inches (86th%)
-14 lbs 3 oz (23rd%)
-Only 23%??  Yikes I said to the nurse but she says that is totally fine.  That as long as his growth curve is going up he is ok and I shouldn't worry at all.  She said even 5% would be ok as long as his growth curve was going up.  Crazy huh?  So not to worry.  Plus he's got rolls everywhere.  I guess I was just a touch worried because our other kiddos are so roly poly and fat and I LOVE it.  He's our long and skinny one.
-He is giggling a lot these days.  It's simply delightful!!  He loves the old run around with baby and toss him (gently) on the bed and giggles a ton at that.
-He is also quite vocal.  He likes to tell me things and does it more and more now when he is waking up or going to bed.  So so cute!!
-He is a great tummy timer and can push up far.
-His siblings looooove to coo at him and love on him.  So sweet of them.
-Grace likes to push him around.

Um.  I think that's it.  Maxwellito I love you so!  Thank you so much for coming to our little but growing family.  Love, your mom  who loves you so much!!

Moses you are three!!

Oh man this whole birthday thing is getting out of control!!  Moses how can you be 3??  You were just barely born!!  Egads!!

Stats on my boy 'lil Mo:

53% for height - 37.5 inches
69% for weight - 33 lbs

My little Mo has the biggest heart.  He is happy all the time and cuddly and all boy.  Gratefully, he has gained back a lot of the weight he lost during his pneumonia.  He went down to I believe 27 pounds.  Oh dear.  I am so so so so grateful for my little Mo.  He is the apple of everyone's eye at his preschool and everyone loves him.  He loves cars and trucks and trains and says he dreams about them every night.  Cute huh?  What else is new about him?

-He sleeps in a big boy bed now.  I bought him Thomas sheets and a Thomas comforter and I think he loves that.
-He does everything Lizzie says and loves to play with her.
-He's not so much into Grace at this moment but I think that'll change.
-He adores his dad.
-He likes Lightening McQueen and Cars stuff.
-He jumps around so cute when he dances.
-His best friend is Boden Fenton who is 5 and they go to preschool together.
-He only naps about half the time now.
-If he did something naughty, he is the first to admit it.  So cute!  Without guile.
-He is so healthy.

I can't think of anything more right now.  For his birthday, Paul took him and Lizzie to the Museum of Natural Curiosity and they spent all day there.  Amazing huh?  Paul says it's like Lagoon for kids.  Paul is such a great dad.  Well that's all for now.  But Moses I love you forever.