Monday, April 23, 2012

Elisabeth is 13 months!!

Yes it's Elisabeth, not Lizzie today.  I just don't know what our sweet baby's nickname is.  She can decide once she's older.  Anyway, our sweet munchkin is no longer 12 months. I'm the proud momma behind her.  She was doing the cutest thing when I took this pic.  She kept opening and closing her mouth at the camera.  Too cute!
Here's what's new with our sweetie:

-She's getting another tooth in on the bottom
-She loves to bounce to music
-She understands most everything I say to her in Spanish
-Her favorite hobby is pulling all the books off of the bookshelf and thumbing through them
-She says da-da
-She sits still a lot better these days
-She is thinning out and is losing her chunky legs and cheeks, sniff
-She is allergic to eggs and somewhat to peanut butter and she gets ezcema on her legs after a day outside
-She loves to be outdoors
-She is the apple of her daddy's eye
-She will eat pretty much anything, which I love!
-When she is tired of a food, she will try to feed it to me, hilarious!
-She is just a good girl and I love her!

Paul is in Paris for a school trip for 10 days and my parents are coming into town.  I'm so excited for him to be in France.  He called me today and asked what kind of chocolate would I like?  So thoughtful.  I miss him.

We went to the Tracy Aviary at Liberty Park on Saturday with Arianna and Kendrick and Lizzie loved it!

 Lizzie was soooo cute in the baby merrygoround.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter 2012

We had a nice mellow Easter.  I even made a fun sunflower cake for Paul's family.  How cute does Lizzie look in her Easter dress?
Cute cake huh?  With peeps.  Earlier in the week we had an Easter egg hunt with some friends at Sugarhouse park.  I put a ton of this white, gooey sunscreen on Lizzie which made her look a little bit like the joker, lol.  My friend Brooklyn says there is better sunscreen at Whole Foods so I'm going to get some there.  I love this one below where her friend Porter is trying to abscond with her egg.

A typical day in our lives

I've been thinking lately that I always want this blog to seem real and not phony.  My coworker and I were just complaining about how annoying it is when people write in their blogs and it looks too good to be true.  I want people to know that we have our ups and downs but that life is a gift for me and my family.  I revel in it and am most grateful for the happy relationships I have.  So I was thinking I could detail a day in our lives.  Ready??

Typical Day:

7:10ish - Lizzie chirps from her crib "hey guys!  I'm awake and happy to be alive!"  Soo cute, bye the way
7:30 - I finally pull myself out of bed and grab her milk out of the fridge, then I get her happy self out of her crib and bring her to our bed where she drinks so milk and happily plays with me and her daddy whom she calls "da-da"  (first word).  I love this time of day and I think she does too.  It's our special time together as a family.
8:00 -  I take Lizzie to her playpen and read a couple of books to her until she wants to get off the rocker and she walks around and plays with her toys.  Paul is usually on the computer on the couch.
8:15 -  I grab some cereal and I get on my computer and check for emails and do some work.
8:55 - Lizzie is tired of being alone and is waving to me from her playpen so I get her out of it and I tell her "vamos a comer" and she walks to her high chair.
9:00 - Eating time.  She is beginning to figure out how to use her spoon.  I usually play the piano for her in the morning while she eats and watches.  She "sings" along.
9:20 - Clean up from eating and rush her off to Kindermusik or Little Gym if it's a Monday or Friday.  She LOVES these active activities.
10:15 - Come home, put Lizzie to bed and rush to the gym for a good workout.
Noon - Get Lizzie out of crib and do some work around the house while Lizzie wanders around.
12:30 - Lunchtime for Lizzie.
1:00 - Rush around putting on makeup, doing hair and putting on work clothes and saying bye to Lizzie while I leave her with daddy for the afternoon so I can go to work
4:45ish - Come home to shrieks of delight from Lizzie and Paul looking at me relieved I am home cause he hasn't been able to get a lot of work done.  Then, Lizzie and I play or go outside to play or run a quick errand
6:15 - Time for Lizzie's dinner, followed by bath.
6:45 - Singing time, Jesus time (I show her pictures of Jesus), and prayer time and then I plop her into bed and boom she is off to dreamland by 7.
7 - Breathe, relax, eat dinner, check emails, do work, read book, do dishes, clean house.  Some nights Paul is at school or some nights I go to yoga or other workout while he stays home.
10 - Get ready for bed, usually sleeping around 11.  And that's our day in a nutshell.

This is kind of a tough time for us because Paul has been in school for a while and we are really excited for him to graduate so we can live more connected lives.  Right now things are busy and Paul is busy with homework and I am busy with work but there are seasons for everything, right?  And I think we are growing a lot from these experiences.  Better busy than bored any day, no?