Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Paul is up to

So this post is dedicated to this wonderful guy:
Here he is in his lab (which is in our home.  He built it all too, btw). Here is where he spends most of his day/life.  What is he doing?  Studying for THE CISCO EXAM.  It's the biggest goal of his life so far and he has about 2 months to finish it up.  Check out all those nifty phones.  He spends a lot of time working on it.  It's his CISCO phone certification.  Scary looking huh?  Well, Paul is brillant and makes those phones work all over the country in call centers owned by Healthways.  But once he gets this certification he'll be able to work them in even more places and will have tons of employers wanting him to help them with their CISCO phones.  So my prayer every night and morning and all day is that he passes this goal.

You see, Paul is such a wonderful guy and so self-motivated and really has the best motives for trying to achieve this goal.  You should see the test questions - confusing!  I cannot relate in any shape or form.  It's all programm-y stuff so sadly I can't even really help him study.  Anyway, what I was saying about Paul is that I am so continually impressed with him.  He has wanted to get this certification for quite a while and his company is paying for him to take the tests so we feel very blessed that he has this opportunity and I feel very blessed to be married to him.  He is the opposite of a slacker and I love it!  He says he was a slacker in his 20s but we were all trying to figure ourselves out in our 20s so we often tell each other we are glad we met when we did. 

Well, just wanted to commemorate in time what a great man Paul is and what he is working on before baby Lizzie comes (only a week left!!! eee!!).  I love Paul McAllister with all my heart and soul.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Baby's nursery

Here's our nursery all completed.
Paul and I had fun putting this together.  Actually, Paul had no fun putting this wall shelf up.  It was a labor of love, focus on labor.  But then he helped me put it together all pretty-like.  Those cute little yellow booties were knitted by my friend Kristen Baird and the two booties up top were sown by my friend M'kenzie Tillotsen.  How cute are they?  I wanna learn to knit like that.  Then, that cute little bear was my first stuffed animal.  My dad gave it to me.  Anyway, we love our little nursery and it's exactly 2 weeks until baby Lizzie comes and we're so excited.  Will she come early??? I do hope so. 

Here's the proud poppa too.  I love him so much. 

Good news!  I haven't had to blog early in the morning lately cause I've been sleeping through the night again.  I think it's cause I take a couple of naps a day lately.  Hehe.