Sunday, January 27, 2013

Baby bump update

Gosh, I really have been a naughty kitten and have barely taken any baby bump pics this time around.  Here I am at about 29 weeks preggo.  Gained about 22 pounds so far.  Feeling groovy.  I have high energy and all is well with my baby boy, thank the Lord.  

Lizzie at 22 months

Aaaah that face!  Have you ever seen a lovelier sight in your life??  She brings me so much joy and to her daddy too.  What's new?  Let's see:

  • She is still dancing up a storm
  • She likes to say "manos" when she wants to hold hands
  • She's talking a lot more
  • She likes being outdoors now and loves to eat snow
  • She loves healthy food so glad like broccoli, butternut squash etc.
  • She can eat very well with a spoon and won't let us feed her
  • She says "no mine!" now, hehe
  • She LOVES to play with her cousins and her cousins adore her.  She is so social, just like me and Paul.  

Gosh, not a ton comes to mind for this month except that she becomes more a more a little girl every passing day.  I love you Lizzie.  

Spiritual Sundays

So remember a while back when I said I would do a weekly Spiritual Sunday?  Well, I'm doing one this week.  Yay!

I've been thinking a lot about gratitude these days.  I've been doing a lot of pondering as well.  More than I used to.  I've been reading a lot of good books.  I've been really on top of my personal and family scripture study as well.  It's great.  Anyhoo, one of the books I've been reading is called The Power by the lady who wrote the Secret.  In it, she talks about the importance of our mind making things happen, you know "as a man thinketh, so is he..."  I've always believed that thoughts are very powerful and are basically things we cannot see but are as tangible as any type of matter we can touch.  She says that anytime we think sad or negative thoughts about anyone or anything, we bring those thoughts and energy upon ourselves.  If we get a bill in the mail and we become stressed or upset over it, we will keep receiving more bills in the mail because.  It's really a vicious cycle and honestly if you have the Spirit with you, you know that you can do better.  Okay, so maybe this book is a bit "new age-y" but you take truth where you can find it.  There is a lot more to this book than I am summarizing here but the crux of it really is GRATITUDE.

If we can be grateful every day for what we have e.g. our hands, our ears so that we can hear beautiful music, the people around us, our talents, our marriage, our children, and on and on, we attract those positive feelings to us and we create more positive experiences.  Here's how she puts it:  Every good thought, every good word, every good emotion, and every act of kindness, is lifting the vibration of your being to new heights.

My other takeaway from it is love.  We were meant to have an amazing life full of giving and receiving love.  Our lives were not meant to be strings of  "okay" days but rather one fabulous day after another.  Why not?  It is true, God gave us a wonderful life and I want to make the very very best of it!  We need to replace fear with love.  I actually tried this experiment the other day in stake conference where I was playing the harp for the Saturday evening session.  I really wanted to do my best and was beginning to get a little bit of the stressies.  Ya know, the nerves were coming in.  I had been reading The Power though and realized how silly I was really being.  I was taking in all this fear and if I played, I was about to play with fear and spread that fear to everyone.  I changed my mind.  I was going to play with love and share my love of the gospel through the hymns I played and spread my love through the whole congregation.  I can honestly say it is THE BEST I have ever played in my life.  What a wonderful tool for living!  I smiled the whole way through and shared my love throughout the room.  I can guarantee you, everyone felt it, and here's the funniest thing.  Because I was sharing love instead of taking in and sharing fear, I (for the first time) didn't even care if people came up to congratulate me afterwards.  It's not that I didn't care about them, I just didn't need to receive that love from people because I had enough love I was giving out to others.  Takeaway, when you give love to others, you don't require love back from them.  You will welcome it, but you don't need it to live.  What a revelation!  I'm serious. can I remember this every single day??  Not easy but here's what I am learning:

1.  I need to wake up every day and realize I was meant to have an amazing life full of joy and not a string of okay days.  If I can open my eyes and think this every day, my days will be fabulous.
2.  I need to share my love for my life and my joy in sharing my life with others so they can feel fabulous too!
3.  I need to wake up each morning and thank the Lord for every great and wonderful thing in my life.  I have been doing this.  I am realizing how much I have to be grateful for and I am basking in the joy of this.

I look forward to sharing my gratitude, joy and love for the gospel and for my gift of life for the rest of my life!

Best Year Ever

I've been reading over our blog lately and it puts a smile on my face.  Can't believe it's already Jan 27, 2013!  Paul and I have a lot of great goals for this year (and so far we've been sticking to them well) but I have to say I'm happy for the years gone by as well.  We're calling 2013 best year ever and I look forward to sharing my gratitude, joy, and successes right here.  This blog makes me happy and makes me so grateful for my happy life.  Here's to the best year ever!

Catching up: Christmastime 2012

Gosh, Christmas seems so far away now but it was very nice.  We spent a lovely Christmas Eve and Christmas morning together in our new home and then went to Paul's mom's home for the rest of the day and hung out with family.  The next morning we left early for Colorado and stayed there through the new year.  We went on a Christmas Eve hike in Midway in gently falling snow.  I'd love to make this a tradition.  Actually it was yoga, then hike, then Dairy Keen, yum.    

The next morning we had fun opening presents with Lizzie.  She loves her tunnel and taking care of the baby doll she got.  

 We got some fun presents at my parents' home like this hat for Paul.
 Lizzie loved playing in the daycare with the other kids and we bundled her up in the cutest snowsuit.

 It was nice to take family photos and spend some time with our friends Gunar and Charlie and Heinz Neumann (my dad's friend for years).

 Lizzie and I stayed over a little longer with my parents and we had some nice times going out together.