Sunday, January 29, 2012

We bought a home!! A log home!!

You might get the feeling from these posts that I am a fan of exclamation points.  You would be right.  : )  Or right!!!  I should say.  : )   Anyway, great news.  We are now homeowners of a new home.  Check it out:

Pretty isn't it??  I am actually incredibly happy and excited about it.  Since I was a young girl, I have always wanted to live in a log home and on some land and I remember telling that to Paul when we were dating and I can hardly believe my dream came true.  It's about 2900 square feet and it's on 1.2 acres!!  I'm so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

We've actually known about this home for a while now.  We made an offer mid-December and we closed on it on Thursday, Jan 26, 2012.  Our lovely home.  We bought it for $249,999 which everyone says it's a deal for the neighborhood it's in.  It's a lovely neighborhood.  All the homes are pretty but not crazy, I'm so rich, North-Salt-Lake crazy, and not so suburb-Draper bland, and not even so I-live-in-an-80s-home-in-Sandy-cause-that's-all-I-could-afford type either.  It's frankly better than we could have ever dreamed of having for our first home.  Isn't that simply wonderful??  We are so grateful to the Lord for this blessing and surely acknowledge His hand in this. 

We simply can't wait to be able to do things like sit on our back deck and watch Elisabeth run around  (hopefully with some neighbor kids who are around her age), look out at Mt Timpanogos while doing dishes from our kitchen window, being all cosy in a log cabin with a fireplace, running around the big field ourselves and having dogs, cats, and chickens, creating a nice, big playspace for the baby and our future kids in the basement, living outside and getting out of our cramped apartment.  We could do so many fun things outside like have bonfires, go "camping", have really fun parties, easter egg hunts, treasure hunts, etc.  The things you can do with a little bit of land are endless.  Plus it's in a quiet neighborhood with little traffic.  I just can't tell you how happy it all makes me.

We will be moving there in June, right around the time Paul graduates from school.  What a crazy summer it shall be, I feel.  It does seem rather far away right now but I know it'll be here soon.  But back to buying this home, it's been some kind of a week, I'll tell you.  We've been haggling with the guy who lives there right now because we were going to rent it to him for a while (per his request).  But now he has offered to give us a water share if we let him stay there for free.  It sounds like we might do this very soon.  It's going to be hard to make rent payments and mortgage payments for a while.  We have been a little stressed about that.  But then the good news is that we know the Lord had a hand helping Paul get a raise this week as well.  It's going to be $13K more than he makes now and a hefty bonus on top of it!  We are extremely happy and grateful for that. 

Paul  worked really hard to make this all happen.  He got a job offer (out of the blue) from Goldman Sachs and then HP counter offered on it on Friday.  Paul's been pretty stressed and was so relieved and grateful for this much-needed raise right now.  Anyway, that's the basic gist of things as they stand.  All is well though.  We have good friends and family and we are a happy family. 

During this stressful week, the Spirit whispered to me that I must keep an eternal perspective on all things.  As wonderful as it is to have a home, it won't matter a stitch a million years from now.  Whenever I think of this, I always relax a lot.  We learned recently in church that after the millenium, we won't even remember our lives on this earth.  For some reason, that is such a pleasant feeling for me.  As long as I can be with Paul and Elisabeth and the rest of our family for eternity, it's nice to know that life goes on.

Well, going to wrap it up now.  We're actually going to go to church up in Heber at our new ward.  I can't wait to meet the new people in the ward and see our home again!!

Kitchen area

Lovely fireplace

One of the bedrooms


Front room with big picture windows

View from the loft

Monday, January 23, 2012

Family Pictures 2012

So we got our first official family pictures last week at this place which gives you all your pictures on one CD.  Love that!  I love the one above because Elisabeth was pretty happy whenever we were near her.  Such a cutie.  I am glad we have them but, of course, I am already critical of what I am wearing and of how I look.  I wanted to have kind of a doe-like, baby-doll look to me but I feel like I just look a little stressed, cause I was.  But they are nice and I will be happy to hang some up. 

Lizzie is 10 months old!!

10 months old.  Almost not a baby anymore.  Sniff.  Look how cute she is here in her little snow outfit?  I took her outside on Saturday evening for just a second but it was snowing right into her face so we didn't stay long.  Then I took her inside to the game room and showed her how fooseball was played and she laughed and laughed like a maniac.  Hilarious!  Never heard her laugh so much.  I loved it.  Such a cutie.  What else is new, you ask?  Well...
  • She walks so well now.  She can walk from the back of the chapel at church all the way to the front and she sure wants to right during church too.  Lolz.  She even followed a little 14 month-old-boy out of the chapel area into the hallway on Sunday and when his dad took him back into the chapel, she cried a little.  Chasing boys already! 
  • She waves bye bye and claps her hands in glee a lot.
  • You can totally tell that she is trying to talk more and I swear I think I heard her say "yucky" a few days ago.
  • She loves music and has good rhythm and bounces along to happy songs.
  • She plays peekaboo with me at night. 
  • She is developing her taste buds more and her tastes for food changes weekly.
  • She is very patient whilst waiting in the crib for me to get her.
  • She sometimes puts a spoonful of food in her mouth by herself.
  • She is still as shriek-y as ever and as happy as ever.  
  • She is now on her fourth cold of the season (the doc says babies get an average of 9 colds a year, oy!)
  • She walks in the cutest way.  Chest forward and bum back and kinda goosesteps
  • She can turn pages now!!  She is also really enjoying reading more.
  • She loves to go swimming.  She shrieks and I have taken her to some swimming classes

Haha.  Love this picture here where she is stuffing toys into her mouth.  I can't believe how quickly our little tyke is growing.  My heart swells with love for her, akin to the Grinch when his heart swells three sizes. 


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

She walks!!

Elisabeth's actually took her first steps on Wednesday, Dec 21, 3 days shy of 9 months.  I couldn't believe it but I saw it.  Since then she has walked more and more and yesterday Paul counted her walking 12 steps in a row.  She's so happy when she walks. 
 She also loves to wave.  She's such a happy babe.  I love her so much. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas 2011

We went to Colorado for Christmas and had a really nice time.  We got there on Christmas Eve morning and that night my mother threw a small Christmas party (with Santa) for her day care kids.  I really liked the party because it was manageable.  There weren't too many people and by 6 everyone was gone so that the kids could go to bed. 

Doesn't Elisabeth look lovely in that picture?  I got her the prettiest red dress for Christmas.  My dad looks happy too, doesn't he?  He has had some joint pain so he has to walk with a cane but he will get a short surgery in February which will help.

Anyway, we had a lovely Christmas party.  Here are some pictures of Lizzie by the tree in her party dress.  Doesn't she look so pretty? 

 My dear dad enjoying the party. 
Lizzie's favorite place these days is in the bottom of the exersaucer.  So cute!

 Santa came over. 
 Lizzie wasn't too please to be held by him. 
Here are some pics of Lizzie bonding with my parents.  They just loved her.

 I really like this pic. 
 And this one is precious too.
 I need to frame this one. 
Paul and I went on a nice all-day date while we were there.  We went hiking up in the mountains of Chataqua which I have always loved.  I've always enjoyed going up there since I was a kid and have felt a closeness to God there.  I am so glad I got to introduce it to Paul.

 Our friends, Charlie and Gunnar Neumann, also came over to visit.  They stayed for hours and are like family.  We love them a lot.  They are Elisabeth's godparents. 
Paul went home a little early and we stayed and played with grandma and grandpa.  Elisabeth practiced standing and walking a little too.  She is 9 months going on 12 months for sure.  Here she is standing around in my room.
 I love this pic of her with my mother.  She looks happy.
 I took this picture to remember how I look as a young mom later.  : ) 
We came home on Jan 2 and it was a wonderful trip.  Here's to 2012!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Lizzie is 9 months old!!

Will you look at that kiddo??  Fastest 9 months ever!  What a cutie huh?  She's actually been 9 months old for over a week now but we were all in Colorado visiting my parents so I didn't really join the cyberworld while I was there. 

To tell you the truth I didn't mind not being part of my computer for about 10 days and that is one of my new year's resolution. I am going to stop surfing the web so much and I am going to focus more on the gospel.  I especially will not participate in Facebook as much.  I was considering just getting off of Facebook all together but that wouldn't work because I use it for work and I need to stay on top of things but I will not post any more pictures of me or my family and I won't do a lot of personal posts.  I just get the feeling that it could be a scary notion later on in life.

Anyhoo, back to baby girl.  She actually took her first step on Wednesday, December 21 while she was still 8 months.  Can you believe it?  She now takes a few small steps a day but mostly focuses on standing and cruising.  Here's what else she's doing:

  • She has had a big cold all of December, poor thing.  We can't seem to shake it
  • She waves all the time and I swear yesterday she pointed to her mouth do to the sign for hungry and sure enough she was hungry
  • She says baba and mama all the time
  • She can climb up stairs and is proud of it
  • She loves happy music and bounces to it and loves when I sing to her and "sings" along with me
  • She likes to bounce on the bouncy seat like she is on a boat
  • She loves to clap her hands and is proud of it
  • She likes hugs and cuddles a bit more these days
  • She is less interested in books these days  
  • She likes to grab onto my nose
  • She likes to eat pretty much anything I give her but especially bread
  • She is not so much a fan of sleeping still.  She begrudingly takes a nap but she sleeps through the night like a champ so it's all good.
  • Her top front tooth is slowly coming out
  • She loves people and shrieks at the top of her lungs when she is happy.  It is the cutest thing.
I am sure I will think of some more things soon.  She constantly brings a smile to my face.  Next post will be about Christmas.