Thursday, April 7, 2011

Labor Day

So I woke up on Wednesday, March 23 at 7:45 and distinctly knew my water had broken.  Egads!!  So I told Paul and we had a 9:30 a.m. doc's appointment anyway so first my parents came over and Paul and my dad gave me a blessing and then we headed over to the doc and sure enough.  My water broke.  I was so nervous that morning and excited that I only ate a couple of strawberries.  Little did I know I wouldn't be eating anything else that day. 

Dr. Nielsen was pretty surprised that my water broke on the day off but sent me off to labor and delivery to get things started.  I was so nervous!  Here I am checking into labor and delivery with my parents and Paul.

I made sure to look okay for the big event. : )

At noon they gave me pitocin and my contractions started coming.  I tried to brave them out at first because I hear labor can totally stop for a while once the epidural is in.  By 5 p.m. though I was sooo ready for the epidural.  The unsmilingest anesthesiologist ever came in and asked me if I was sure I wanted it and I said oh yes!  Then he had me curve into a ball and dear Paul held my hand.  I honestly could not have done it without him.  He was so calm the whole time and treated things like a science experiment that it made me not be afraid.  The epidural was great.  Here are some pics during the day.

 Suffering through a contraction before I chose the right - epidural!! 

 Dear hubby holding my hand through the whole thing. 

 Paul and my dear mother really helped through the whole process. 
Well, no need to go into any more details here but after about an hour of pushing our sweet baby Elisabeth Nelda McAllister was born at 9:45 p.m. at St Mark's Hospital at 9.1 pounds and 20 inches at an apgar score of 8 and 9.  Go Lizzie! : )  I was somewhat aware that the doctor was fixing me up but there was no pain because I was just in tears watching our new baby girl.  I still can't believe what a miracle it was! 
 I was very anxious for her to eat up her nutritious colostrum - which she did, yay!

 Proud poppa!!

 Right when she was born.  She has her daddy's hands.  She looks like a cute little elf in that hat, huh?

After this, they wheeled me up to my room and then Paul and the nurse went to give her a bath.  She came back looking like this.
 Adorable!  Huh?  So then we had her sleep in our room that night until she started crying and we were both so puzzled.  I'm sure Paul and I will continue to laugh about it for a long time but we asked the nurse in great puzzlement "Why is she crying and how do we make her stop?"  Bless the nurse for not laughing.  She told us to pat her on the back and just gently rock her.  It worked but then she cried again and we decided to have her sleep in the nursery that night after such a long day.  I will always advice my friends to do this.  I don't think it makes you a bad mom cause you can get really stressed out it you put too much on yourself and then you may not produce enough milk or be a happy mommy for your baby.  Speaking of baby, I am now leaving cyberspace to hang out with sweet Lizzie instead of spending too much time here.  Time with Lizzie is never ever wasted and I just listened to such a great talk by Elder Scott talking about playing with your kids and family always over any other stuff.  I completely agree.  Next blog will be more about the baby with new pics.

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