Monday, May 2, 2011

My crazy dream

So yesterday was a tough day with Lizzie.  Before I continue. let me make something clear.  She is an absolute angel and I love her so much but I am still figuring out this whole mothering thing.  Anyway, I was going to use Sunday to catch up on my sleep but she would not settle for the whole day.  Every time I put her in her crib she would cry and was very restless.  She probably slept a total of 1 1/2 hours all day which is really not good for a baby so little as she is.  They say babies need about 15-18 hours of sleep at her age.  Anyway, turns out that she probably has acid reflux and everytime she lays down in her crib it hurts her poor tummy and here I was making her lay down.  Poor baby cakes.  Anyway, I've learned through some research that I can change some things the way I feed her so that she won't have such bad reflux so I am working on this.  Today, is a super day!  We went to Babies R Us and she was cute as can be and today she is making the most darling little coos and sounds.  Paul and I just are all over it.

So about my crazy dream.  I think I went to bed last night after a long day (never showered, yeah that kind of day) wishing she were just a little older.  Well this morning, while Paul was entertaining Lizzie so I could get some rest, I had the nuttiest little dream.  I saw her at about age 7.  She was wearing a lovely dress with yellow and green flowers on the top and a red skirt.  She had brown hair and was kind and sweet and a bit precocious also baby Lizzie was there.  I kept telling her "you can't be Lizzie the baby is Lizzie" but she was the older version of Lizzie.  And then I tried to put 7-year-old Lizzie on my lap and feed her a bottle and she took it but then baby Lizzie started to cry and was jealous because big Lizzie was on my lap.  Anyway, I saw future Lizzie and baby Lizzie and as much as I liked future Lizzie I was sad that she had grown so fast because I just love my tiny little baby.  So the moral of the story is, they are gonna grow fast so enjoy them now!!!  What an interesting dream.  I'll close this with a few lovely pics.

 Happy mummy.  Baby often spends a long time staring at the picture of Jesus above our bookcase. 

 We captured her smile!!  Yay!!
 Followed abruptly with a sad face.  Paul and I just melted.  She looks so adorable even when she is sad.  Look at that lower lip.  Awwww.

 She loves to hang out with her poppa. 
 Love her ruffle bum!  Plus check out her excellent tummy time.
 Easter Sunday at Grandma McAllister's home.
 I love this pic!!  Lizzie looks so content. 

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