Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Note to our new baby boy

Dearest upcoming baby boy,

Hello lovely young son.  Who would have thought that we could produce a boy?  What a blessing.  I have been thinking about you and imagining you lately.  I can't wait to meet you but I'm glad you are still baking inside of me.  I'm still figuring this whole mothering thing out, bye the way.  I've had the exceptional opportunity to take care of your big sis Lizzie now for two wonderful years and it's been fabulous.  I wonder things like, how will you get along?  How will you see each other and me and your dad?  What a journey it is.

I've also been thinking a lot about success and what defines success in children.  In this day and age, people spend a lot of time talking about success and their kids so of course I have been reading a lot about it and I'm still figuring that out too but I have come to some conclusions that I want to share with you.  I want you to be successful but not in the way the world sees it.  I want you to be successful in the ways that matter.

I used to think success meant playing an instrument extremely well or getting the best grade in school.  These are excellent things to achieve and can be important but what if you did that by cheating?  To me, success means being kind to the loner at school, going on a mission and preaching the gospel as a young worthy man, making others feel like they are children of God, having a strong work ethic that empowers you to do your best in any situation, finding a spouse who shares your values and whom you marry in the temple.  This is success and I am writing this note as much for me as for you because I need to remember this.  That in an amoral world, you have morals and ethics.  This is my greatest prayer for you my darling son.  I love you.


Your mother

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