Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My day - September 2014

So I remember a few years ago I did a "my day" kinda thing.  Back then, we were living in Sugarhouse and had little Lizzie and I worked about 20 hours a week at DMC.  I still work for them (miracle of miracles!) but just a little.  Man it is nice to be connected with them, I gotta tell ya. Anyhoo, things have changed quite a bit since then.  Ya ready??  Should make me chuckle in a few years, or at least curious:

6:30ish - Wake up.  Usually having slept a fitful sleep cause I'm not sure if Grace is gonna make it to 6:45 or wake up at 5 or put herself back to sleep as she sometimes does or should I go quietly and pop her binky in or should I just hold her?  Aack.  I'm so tired.  I'll just lay here and oh look Paul is going to pop her binky in.  Man he is a good and helpful husband.  I love you Paul.
6:45 - Pick up Grace and immediately feed her.  She is pretty hungry.  Some mornings Paul reads me the scriptures while I nurse her.  Nursing huh?  Yeah still doing it and she is 3 1/2 months but always, always worried about my milk supply.  But I think it's doing okay now.  Gotta keep drinking water.
7:15 - I pump the excess from overnight while Grace hangs out and watches and smiles at me and "talks" and coos.  She is soooo adorable the way she lifts up her eyebrows when she smiles.  Pure Heaven I tell ya
7:45 - I put her back to bed and rush to take a shower before I get the kiddos up.
8:15 - Pick up Lizzie and Moses and change diapers, get them dressed and breakfast.
9 - If it's a Tue or Thursday, we walk or bike over to Lizzie's preschool at Miss Renae's.  Lizzie LOVES preschool and wishes it was every day.
9:10 - Moses and I rush over to the gym so i can Zumba (love!) or crossfit (love even more!).  He is getting more used to the gym because of the nice lady Queila at the daycare who takes care of him there.
10:15 - Grab some food like milk at Walmart and then head home.
10:45 - Wake up Grace and feed her while poor Moses watches and tries to join in.  Oh Moses I am so sorry I can't hold two babies at once.  How do moms of twins do it!!??
11:30 - Pick up Lizzie at preschool and then feed kids lunch while keeping Grace somewhat happy in her bouncer seat.
12:15 - Put Moses, Lizzie and then Grace to bed.
12:45 - Breathe the first sigh of relief all day.  Eat my lunch.  Check on emails and work emails especially.  Pay bills.  Read a mom blog (I try to only read inspirational ones and they really really help me.  These mommas are amazing to say the least.)  Do dishes. Talk to Paul.  So much stuff.  Ay ay ay.
2 - Take a short rest in bed, hopefully sleep
2:30 - Wake up to pump before Grace wakes up.  I pump because otherwise Grace won't take enough food from my body but she will from the bottle.  I try for her to drink 6 oz at each feeding, 4 times a day.
3ish - Wake up Lizzie and read to her.  Then get up Moses.  We all play for an hour.
4 - Feed Moses a banana.  I've gotta say this time of day is hard on all of us.  It's a weird time.  Not dinner yet but we can't really go out and do anything because Grace is too little and needs her third nap.
4:15 - Grace takes nap.
5 - Grace wakes up and we all go outside for a while.  I try to get them outside every day for a good amount of time.  This is when they start to bug their daddy cause they can see him from his office window.  Paul is so sweet that he lets them but i know he is busy job hunting so I hate for them to bug him but serendipity, right??
6 - Pump while Grace gets fussy and Paul helps me make dinner.
6:15 - Give Grace a bath
6:30 - Feed Grace bottle while kids eat dinner
6:45 - Put Grace to bed.  Luckily, she goes down without a fight.  Whew.
7 - Put Moses to bed
7:30ish - Put Lizzie to bed if she's skipped her nap or later if she hasn't.  Read a couple of books to her.  I LOVE book reading time with Lizzie anytime and I know she loves that too.  I cherish it.
7:45 - Second sigh of relief for day.  Eat dinner.  Clean house.  Work on to-do's.  Talk with Paul.  Odds and ends.
10:15 - Pump for the dream feed
10:45 -  Dream feed Grace
11:15ish - Crash into bed so exhausted and ready for a new day.  Say prayers with Paul and give thanks for a happy and healthy family.

Thank you dear Father in Heaven for my life.

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